Šestnáctiletá - picture 1
Šestnáctiletá - picture 1
On the left side of the photo stands a woman in a black dress with a flower in her cleavage. Nearby her is Jarol (actor). On his left stands a woman in a white dress and a headdress on her hair, Hart (actor) hold her hand. Under Hart sits Haunerová (actress) and nearby her sits Schneider (actor).
Altri titoli: Šestnáctiletá - picture 1
Data di creazione: 1918
Descrizione: On the left side of the photo stands a woman in a black dress with a flower in her cleavage. Nearby her is Jarol (actor). On his left stands a woman in a white dress and a headdress on her hair, Hart (actor) hold her hand. Under Hart sits Haunerová (actress) and nearby her sits Schneider (actor).
Parole chiave: muži / ženy / šaty / oblek / košile / motýlek / čelenka / kytka / háječek / men / women / dress / suit / shirt / bow tie / headdress / flower / grove
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Diritti: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Tipo documento: Set photo